UMbase releases numbers are in the following format: [major version].[minor version].[build number], e.g. The minor version is bumped each time the public site is updated. This often happens multiple times per week, but could remain the same for weeks; however, every time an update is applied to the core system, whether it is released or not, the build number is updated. In programming terms, this is the number of times commits are applied to the source control repository.
UMbase is developed using the principles of rapid application development (RAD). As a result, there are frequent releases/updates – in fact, there is a new build of UMbase, on average, about every other day[1] - 1075 builds, 169 admin builds, for a total of 1244. There have been 367 production releases of UMbase, with an average of roughly 5 days between releases[2].
The current stable release of UMbase is 10.1 (Aegir). The current build number is: 1075.
Simply put, because they're fun. Every release has a codename and codenames generally follow a theme for several releases. Codenames are not political statements. Here are some of the subjects after which UMbase releases have been named.
Versions | Number of Releases | Code name theme |
10.0 – 10.1 | 2 | Saturnian Moons |
9.0 – 9.93 | 94 | World Capitols |
8.0 – 8.47 | 48 | African Countries |
7.0 – 7.117 | 118 | Elements of the Periodic Table |
6.0 – 6.5 | 6 | Municipalities of Greenland |
5.0 – 5.7 | 8 | Canadian Cities (Reprise) |
4.0 – 4.5 | 6 | Iron Chef Judges |
3.24 – 3.48 | 25 | Fish from A-Z |
3.0 – 3.23 | 24 | Fish, Alphabetically |
2.0 – 2.6 | 7 | Asian Capitols |
1.25 – 1.27 | 3 | Candian Capitols |
1.10 – 1.24 | 15 | European Capitols |
0.9 – 1.9 | 11 | Iron Chefs |